Thursday, 11 December 2014

My Bachelor Degree Graduation Day

Hi ols. This is always be my proud ; it was my graduation day for my bachelor degree. Throwback the event. Hee.. Lets start the show!

Ape2 hal pun, selpi dulu dlm kereta. I got bouquet of red roses from hubs. weee!

Long peach dress. Time ni stage dah lengang. So I heret tangan hubs kuat2..Nk jgk captured some moment while its already away from crowd,

Alhamdulillah, 3 years of sacrifice. Eventually being awarded with  BSc (hons) in FS Management, awarded with high class of Ijazah Sarjana Kepujian dengan Sains . It is a rewards to myself :) What you give, you get back!

I warned my kesayangan awal2, "Abbi! ummi nak snap pic dekat pokok2 cantik! " Ikutt jugak laa kesayangan kite tu..Sayang punye pasal

My cinta hati and always will be

Captured moment. Love!!

Another 2 graduation InsyaAllah, master&phD.. :)

Best regard,

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Throwback - Sekitar Annual Dinner Final Semester, HTMT

This entry is about faculty annual dinner during my bachelor. So..kiranya throwback lahh ni yeaa..

Hi ols.. I'm about to throwback my zaman kegemukan. Haha. Now dah slim balik okaihh

Love this part..cuma bag bersepah dekat sebelah kanan tu agak spoill

Classmate members
Terserlah kegemukan lalu..haha

Miss kembang semangkuk..

Yang ni boleh cover sket :p

Zoomed in. This how I tailored my baju. That manik dijahit one by one. Dh mcm baju kawen

White Chanel. This kasut Chanel was from Indonesia. Just mixed&match dengan my baju.

Make up done by me. Quite scary dekat eyes part cuz my eyes already such big round eyes. Technique blm pakar lgii..huhu

Tu je kott nk update. :)

Bonia, Louis Vuitton & Hublot Newbies Goes into My Closet

Assalam.. I write again for today! Well, just intend to share how thankful I am. Alhamdulillah.. Few days ago, I went to Bonia outlet as the salesman threw me a call since 2 weeks ago to remind me that their outlet went for 30% discount as for only last friday. The story begin in the early of this month since I went to one of the Bonia outlet and my heart was sticky hard to one of the design which is the design is about the combination of the red color. So, that time the price was around MYR1000 ++. The salesperson then told me to come again as their sales season was just to coming around and he will keep it special for me. I finally go and grab it!!

Still, in 6 month of warranty. 100% leather

tadaaaa...this one punya design I belum ada..tali merah..thats why I nak jugakkk. very elegance in looked

Inside also red in colour..floweryy

Bonia.. that one is something ordinary to me as I already kept a lot of original Bonia item in my closet including one of my wristwatch collection. But...buttt.. there is something big coming from oversea. Thisssss original LV !! I ever think about to grab it from Starhill Gallery and it will cost me around MYR5000. But my cinta hati seperti memahami isi hati ini. haha! I got this LV handbag today.. and I bought my Bonia in yesterday. Rezeki Allah bagi as I lost one of my jewelleries at the day before yesterday and I am crying alone in my car.. :'( I may able to buy a lot of another gold as my jewelleries but that one keep me such very sentimental and precious value. Alhamdulillah, more is coming worth of thousands ringgit. Having my first LV handbag is such an extremely exciting moment. Seriously!!

My first LV Handbag. Thank Godness!!

Its not over yet. I also got my first Hublot wristwatch. Well, this is my kesayangan punya favorite brand. So, he grab another one Hublot for him as well as for his lovely wifey. Katanyaaa, Che Ta&Fathia pakai Hublot. Ummi pakai la jugakk.. Jenk abbi mungg..haha.. I never thought of having Hublot as it worth thousands of ringgit. I am quite sceptical about this. Buat benda lain lagi bagus dari beli jam yang beribu riban kott.. But for my abbi, collecting wristwatch is always become his hobby and bought a new wristwatch is always become his passion! Ohh..also perfume collector. He didnt mind to spend thousand of ringgit only for wristwatch and parfume. That was his craziness which I had to accept all outtt ! :/

My fist Hublot wristwatch. Limited Edition. Bersepuh emas bertatahkan berlian..ceewahh! white strap...Love it!! Thanks abbiiii cyggg...

Bonia, LV and Hublot coming altogether at once!!
Nothing I can utter unless.... Alhamdulillah Ya Allah.. :)

Thanks Allah.. Thanks kesayangan.. Sincerely,

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Ayam Masak Ala Thai Simple

Hari ni malas nk masak banyak. So, I am coming for simple dishes. Just using the 3 main ingredient.


Ayam dipotong kecil
Bawang merah (mayang&tumis)
Cili merah (potong bulat) 
Sedikit perencah sambal Thai Tom
Sedikit sos tiram
Sedikit sos cili  

Tumis bawang dengan sedikit minyak and masukkan bahan dalam gambar tu. Then tumis sampai pecah minyak dengan api kecil. Ingredient yang diguna must be depend on amount ayam yang nak masak. Then, bila bahan tumis dah pecah minyak, masukkan ayam bersama sedikit air. Masukkan la perasa eg; garam, ajinomoto and kalau suka boleh stabilkan rasa dengan sedikit gula. Simple right? pakai je ape yang ade dlm fridge tu. Hihi..

p/s : lagii best kalau letak daun limau purut

Ayam Masak Ala Thai Simple

Selamat mencuba :)

Friday, 28 November 2014

Anugerah Terindah

It's Friday.. :)

Wah, terasa selalu pulak berblogging sehari dua ni. Bila dh duduk kat kerusi ni buat kerja, mesti rase nak bukak blog and tulis something. Rindu sangat dengan husband agaknya. Salu kalau dia ade, dia kacau jekk.. huhu.. Sunyinyeee.. :((   Even dekat overbroad pun, hubby call many times per day to ensure that I am okay. But still, only the voice wasn't enough..I really miss his warm hug........ :'(

Hari ni terasa nak layan lagu Jodoh Berdua. If one day anak-anak ummi dah besar and tengah baca entry ni, I just want to tell all of you that this is your parent love song ever my sweety cakes. The best part that we both love to mentioned is...

Pencarianku..kini telah berakhir..
Detik bahagia...kini telah pun hadir..
Sungguh aku percaya...ketentuan Yang Esa..
Jodoh berdua.. begitulah takdir.. :')

Allahuakbar..indah sungguh.. THIS SONG IS VERY VERY VERY MEANINGFUL TO US...if I ever reminiscince the previous, our love story sukar sungguh. Allah timpakan dengan bermacam halangan dan ujian. And disetiap air mata, kami seka dengan doa terhadap Pencipta... Learn from past, THE POWER OF DOA.. bersujudlah di setiap kesukaran..InshaAllah, beroleh jalannya..InshaAllah...

Now..the only word that I can utter is.. Alhamdulillah Ya Allah.. :')

"Allahumaj a'lna min ahli Jannatil Firdaus"

Thursday, 27 November 2014

A lonely Week

Lonely week.. The best caption I think. Mana tak nyee. Ummi kene tinggal dengan abbi for 5 days kot. Alahai, tak biasa la jauh lama-lama. Seriously, bukan sengaja nak mengada, tapi memang tak biasa. Where's actually abbi pegi ek? Abbi flown away to Guangzhou, China. So, memang ummi tak ada can nak ikut cuz' he went there dengan organization members semua. **Sigh

But few week before went to China, every week he went to KL from Terengganu. Twice for pay me a visit and another one trip was because he went to Port Dickson. Ada courses kat sana. Ummi ape lagiii..menggedikk nak ikut. But at the end of the day balik Shah Alam dengan muka muncung sebab kena marah dengan abbi. He shout me out just because I'm rushing went there sedangkan esoknya I ada event. Mulai laaa tarik muka sebab kena marah kan. Bila balik sorang-sorang, abbi pesan jangan drive laju. At that time I just like owhh, ok syg.. I will drive slowly and carefully sambil bulatkan mata pandang abbi. Sebulat-bulatnyaa! haha.. I know abbi memang tak percaya bila ummi cakap akan drive slow. Then what happen? 8.52 p.m dari Port Dickson, 9.30 p.m dah sampai kat rumah in Shah Alam. Drive baby G mana boleh slow kan.....Sory ya abbi sebab tak dengar cakap. hehe

Baby G, say cheeseeeeee and pecuttt :D

Another best moment is, last 3 weeks abbi ajar ummi main golf lagii.. yeayyy..tapi tak pandai jugak. Alhamdulillah, abbi memang cukup sabar ajar ummi. As I open my eyes that morning, I said, sayangg, let's starts our day with some driving at the countries club. Macam biasa la kann, abbi tak kan let me down. Mesti penuhi impian wifey tercinta even tak cukup tidooo..hahaha

Nak main golf pon tudung belit sana sini jugak. Lagi about this picture is...tangan abbi takde jam. This time dia pakai Hublot. Patut la dia buang time nak main. heee :p
See, I pose dengan stick yang paling panjang. That stick boleh pukul untuk jarak 300m. Well, amateur pegang that stick rasa macam bangga betul.

At glance, he is the most handsome one in my eyes and my heart, but dua kali pandang, abbi teeemoookkk...ehehe

Hurm..miss him badly. Abbi come home faster, together with sutera china yaaa. Well, since he wasn't around, I put some space to update my blog so that our kids in one coming day, when they already grow up and read my entry, they may feel how empty ummi's heart without their abbi around.

Sincerely a lonely week without cinta hati kesayangan ummi,

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Cinta Hati Ummi Dunia Akhirat

Dedicated to my kesayangan, Shafuan.M  ...

Finally, I’ve decided on getting married. (March 14)

“Yes, you proposed me on the right time. Disaat hati mulai tewas dan mengalah. Dugaan hidup cukup kuat. Since ragu dengan keadaan, putuskan ikatan pertunangan. Suddenly you came with sparkles in your eyes and seek my hand for marriage. That time I was thinking, should I accept you??But actually my hearts open by the mean time.”
                                                                                                            Nadwa.M, Oct 2014
Seminggu kita diam tanpa bicara, berada jauh dari pertemuan mata dan sujud kepada pencipta dengan penuh tafakur. Sayangku, demi cinta yang ummi serahkan sebulatnya kepada Yang Maha Kuasa, biarlah dia yang membuka hati ini sekiranya jodoh itu milik kita. saat itu hati ini mulai berbunga rindu. Allahuakbar.. Adakah Tuhanku telah menemukan ummi dengan pilihan yang tepat.

Disaat itu, tasbih dan sejadah tidak lekang bersama. Jahilnya diri dikala dilanda masalah. Ketika jatuh, mulai mencari dimana pencipta. Dalam sujud, ummi menangis. Usai solat, menggenggam erat tasbih pemberian abbi dan berdoa sepenuh hati, jika abbi milik ummi, mohon Allah kembalikan. Jika bukan milik ummi, bawalah pergi sejauhnya. Sungguh, jika abbi pada pengetahuan Allah adalah bukan milik ummi, ummi tidak memerlukanmu sayangku. Sama sekali tidak !!

Suatu pagi, dengan izin Allah, dengan gerak hati, berbekalkan istikharahku yang paling lama seumur hidupku, abbi kembali menemui ummi. Dengan perjalanan yang begitu mudah, mama menyarungkan cincin di jari ummi,tanda ikatan yang baru bermula.
Masih terngiang dan tetap segar dalam ingatan ummi bila abbi datang and bagitahu ummi. Di dalam mimpi abbi, kita mengunjungi baitullah di tanah suci Makkah. Kata abbi, ummi begitu cantik memakai telekung putih dan berdiri di sisi abbi. Kedua, abbi mimpikan kita dalam majlis akad nikah sambil abbi melafazkan ikatan suci untuk menjadikan ummi sebagai suri hidup abbi. Dan ketiga, mimpi abbi yang meraikan airmata gembira apabila zuriat kita menjengah dunia, tanda cinta ummi dan abbi.

Tanpa sedar, mutiara jernih jatuh dari kelopak mata ummi. Perjalanan kita cukup sukar. Namun sering ummi ingatkan abbi tentang sepotong ayat dari surah Al-Insyiirah yang terkandung di dalam kalamullah, ‘di setiap kesukaran itu datangnya kemudahan’.
Abbi.. mungkin pernikahan kita tergolong dalam status ‘jarak jauh’ disebabkan tuntutan tugas masing-masing. Mungkin kita akan memerlukan peruntukan lebih untuk tiket flight setiap bulan. Mungkin kita perlu tersenyum nakal dengan jumlah bil telefon abbi yang mencecah RM400++ seperti selalu. But it doesn’t matter at all. Niat kita adalah untuk membina hubungan halal dan diredhai di sisi Tuhan. Apa pun kepayahan kita kena kuat. Sekarang ummi mengerti tentang manisnya RINDU.

If sekarang sayang ummi tengah baca ni, I am truly sorry sebab ummi dah lupa nak menulis in Malay language dengan proper. Abbi sendiri tahu yang sayang abbi ni setiap hari speaking, reading and writing in English kan. Even gaduh dengan abbi pon will be all in English. At the end of the day, abbi akan mengalah dan pujuk ummi dengan penuh kasih sayang..  abbi akan panggil macam ni, “sayang abbiiii…” I bet u smiling right now!! ;) So sweet of you sayang…..

Kesayangan ummi, thanks for everything. Thanks untuk kesabaran abbi, kasih sayang abbi..Dan thanks untuk doa abbi yang tak pernah putus untuk kita..Btw, thanks untuk nombor pendaftaran yang cantik untuk kereta baru ummi yang cantik. T** 88… Sanggup abbi bid dengan cina tu kan. Surprise me much and makes me much happy for that. Thanks sayanggg..Abbi adalah cinta ummi dunia dan akhirat. InshaAllah..

Sincerely, your lovely honey,

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Practitioner Contribution Toward applied Islamic business ethics: Responsible Halal Business.

The purpose of this study  is to explore the opportunities of using halal regulation and certification as a mechanism for applying Islamic business ethics in contemporary world. The main challenge facing any ethical system is the application of Islamic Business Ethics. In the past, Muslims were successful in applying their ethical system through effective mechanisms of applying Islamic business ethics find it difficult to meet the new contemporary challenges. As for methodology, the current practices of halal regulation and certification and literature on Islamic ethics were reviewed, to identify a practical approach for Islamic business ethics. 

Finding shows that Islam allows and accepts different levels of ethical commitment. A multi-level Islamic ethics framework and a multi-level halal certification approach are proposed to facilitate the implementation of Islamic business ethics in a relative context. Two major developments can enrich halal business practices: harmonization of global standards and governance structure, and integrating responsibility and ethical issues in halal standards. For practical implication, the proposed framework and developments can enrich halal regulation and certification practice. To make the proposed steps for a better and faster development of the Halal market possible, collaboration between key stakeholders is required. Till now, the Halal market barely discovered the potential of integrating the concept of CSR and corporate citizenship. 

At the moment, companies and certifying bodies mainly focus on fulfilling the product requirements of a Halal (food/finance) product, such as “not containing pig.” The value shows that this paper emphasizes the importance of flexibility and adaptability in Islamic business ethics implementation, and proposes a new framework and approach to apply Islamic business ethics. The conclusion of the study stressed that Halal regulation and certification forms a good mechanism in order to help Muslims in meeting their religious commitments while living in a globalized and diversified society. Halal business practices vary from one country and industry to another, this variation is due to the differences in the reliability and functionality of institutions and governance structure in those countries and industries. Halal regulation and certification can be developed by integrating some proven tools from the domain of CSR and by including ethics and responsibility criteria with Halal standards. This can be achieved through a multi-level approach that provides Muslims with information on products and businesses covering ethical and responsibility criteria, in addition to the basic Halal standards.

(Summarize based from main reading articles) 

Friday, 25 July 2014

A Deteriorated 2014

‘…dan berserta kesusahan itu, ada bersamanya kemudahan…’

Bismillah.. This phrase which always in my mind been extracted from surah Al-Insyiirah. Yes, after kesukaran besertanya kemudahan. As today, in Malaysia will be the last Friday for  Ramadhan, 1435H. I just heard from afar however, too much problematic in my poor country, too much speculation, perception and the untold story itself. However, I just pray the best for you My Malaysia, ‘tanah air tumpah darahku’.

MH17 tragedy was spreading like wildfire and once again, it has become world attention. From my deepest heart, I send my condolence over there and terlalu sukar rasanya untuk ahli keluarga penumpang menerima kenyataan. Namun ianya kenyataan yang harus diterima. Everyday once I click on my facebook icon, there will be unstoppable speculation from too much ‘aviation expert’ which try to speculate about every single thing until the day the black box has been hand over, many people continuing on their speculation regarding theorists conspiration, continue on blaming the pilot, about mysteriously 17 thumbprint on the box or maybe writing facts about people with special interest has conspired to change the black box, because BLACK box supposed to be BLACK… Well, the last phrase is actually been extracted from ‘aviation expert’ darlas, not me.. (funny ;) )

I am not one of them, just stay silent and watch what going to happen next. I just afford to pray them the best especially for air crash tragedy, for Palestinians, and binasa Israelis forever. ~Janji Allah itu pasti~

Salam Aidilfitri and shafakallah from far..
Best regard,

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Pengalaman Interview Program Master Degree


Hai semua. Hari ni tetiba terasa ingin berkongsi pengalaman semasa interview master dulu. Mungkin boleh menjadi panduan kepada yang akan menempuh saat interview nanti. Ok, we start from here, saya dulunya apply master program dengan UiTM. So, interview diadakan dekat kampus induk which is Shah Alam lah. Sebelum interview tu ade la perasaan berdebar sikit kan. Dalam kepala ni terbayang ramai orang menunggu untuk interview tu nanti. So semasa saya dapat sms dari Institute of Postgraduate Study (IPSIS), terus saya buat preparation termasuk booking nearest hotel and servis kereta sebagai persiapan untuk perjalanan jauh. That time I was in Terengganu. So, I was quite not familiar dengan Shah Alam mase tu. Cuma ade la sesekali pergi tapi tak expert sangat la dengan jalan dekat area sana. Semasa dekat sana, I was staying dekat Carlton Holiday Hotel&Suite which took me around 10 minit untuk ke kampus UiTM Shah Alam.

This is the crucial moment which is semasa interview. Saya sampai around pukul 9 pagi since the invitation letter stated that interview will be start at 9. What happen then? saya ingatkan ramai la kan. Rupanya, name list cuma  around 20 orang sahaja. So, tak perlu la tunggu lama-lama kan. Semasa interview session, setiap session masuk sekaligus 4 orang. Ade 2 orang panel sebagai interviewer. So, antara soalan penting yang dia akan tanya :-

  1. Introduce yourself?
  2. Your education background?
  3. Why you want to further master?
  4. Which aspect will you emphasize/focus in your field of study?
  5. What is your preparation to do master?
  6. What is your Independence Study topic?
  7. What is your knowledge in research?
  8. What is your ambition?

Ini antara soalan yang akan ditanya la. Mostly, panel akan tanya benda yang basic sahaja. Unless you seems to have much experience, dia mungkin akan asked you further about your related experience. Tak perlu risau sangat tentang soalan yang dia akan tanya. Yang paling penting, your confidence level tinggi and cuba jawab soalan dengan sebaik mungkin with FLUENT ENGLISH. Please maintain your eye contact and poition duduk. Anyhow, jangan risau. Interview sambung belajar ni takde la mengerikan melainkan you sendiri tiada keyakinan diri. Panel cuma nak tengok credibility you sahaja sama ada you mampu carry for the next level of study or not. So, wish everyone goodluck.

Best regard,

Sunday, 1 June 2014

How to do an online proofreading?


Proofreading was the main topic for today’s entry. What is actually a proofreading? Proofreading means examining your text carefully to find and correct typographical errors and mistakes in grammar, style, and spelling.

You may face critical time and there are no qualified people going to proofread your assignment. Here is my suggestion on how you can proofread by yourself.

Just jump to and hit get started button. Follow the instruction and finish the installation. Go to your Word Document and there are ‘G’ button which automatically appears on the top of the screen. To me, using Ginger to makes proofread is just very simple and quick. But please bear in mind that you must also carefully read the suggestion for correction before approved it.

Before You Proofread
  • Be sure you've revised the larger aspects of your text. Don't make corrections at the sentence and word level if you still need to work on the focus, organization, and development of the whole paper, of sections, or of paragraphs.
  • Set your text aside for a while (15 minutes, a day, a week) between writing and proofing. Some distance from the text will help you see mistakes more easily.
  • Eliminate unnecessary words before looking for mistakes. See the writing center handout how to write clear, concise, direct sentences.
  • Know what to look for. From the comments of your professors or a writing center instructor on past papers, make a list of mistakes you need to watch for.
When You Proofread
  • Work from a printout, not the computer screen. (But see below for computer functions that can help you find some kinds of mistakes.)
  • Read out loud. This is especially helpful for spotting run-on sentences, but you'll also hear other problems that you may not see when reading silently.
  • Use a blank sheet of paper to cover up the lines below the one you're reading. This technique keeps you from skipping ahead of possible mistakes.
  • Use the search function of the computer to find mistakes you're likely to make. Search for "it," for instance, if you confuse "its" and "it's;" for "-ing" if dangling modifiers are a problem; for opening parentheses or quote marks if you tend to leave out the closing ones.
  • If you tend to make many mistakes, check separately for each kind of error, moving from the most to the least important, and following whatever technique works best for you to identify that kind of mistake.
    For instance, read through once (backwards, sentence by sentence) to check for fragments; read through again (forward) to be sure subjects and verbs agree, and again (perhaps using a computer search for "this," "it," and "they") to trace pronouns to antecedents.
  • End with a spelling check, using a computer spelling checker or reading backwards word by word.
    But remember that a spelling checker won't catch mistakes with homonyms (e.g., "they're," "their," "there") or certain typos (like "he" for "the").

Sources : How to Proofread. (n.d.). Retrieved from

 Goodluck! Best regard,