Monday, 11 March 2013

Isu Lahad Datu : Salah siapa?

GE is about to coming and suddently there was freaking chaos in Lahad Datu. The militan..our force yang terkorban..pencerobohan..operasi daulat..all the words combination had just point my mind to find what is really happen. The keyword is try to relate the GE and those freaking chaos nearby Lahad Datu. Right..It must be just a very brilliant conspiration happen somethere..!precisely closed related to our nation political which just point each other fingers..

Frankly i am not behalf of any. But do rethink of citizens because i am one of them. Seriously i am sick with our political amused conspiration, allegation of allied to retain virtual and the end Sabah being victimized of the vicious circle.

As long as daclaration of darurat, no election allowed! So, whose actually gain profit from the business? Or is somebody's out there yang takut dengan bayang sendiri hingga mencetuskan sesuatu yang mengalih mata semua pihak.. What has actually happened?ingin menunjukkan keprihatinan ke or sekadar to postpone the GE on purposed? However it was...there must be a secret conspiration behind...

Vex..absolutely vex...JIKA BERANI BERMAIN API..MENGAPA TAKUT TERBAKAR DIRI...kita dimetaforakan seperti anak kecil yang ditarik telinga, bila terasa sakit kita mahu memberontak dan menangis..namun lalu dipujuk dengan gula2 bagi mendiamkan tangis a child yang hanya berfikir lurus, kita merasa disayangi biarpun hanya dipujuk dengan sebiji gula2...Satu tindakan memujuk yang kelihatan cukup santun dan cukup bergaya...makes us jazzy and sweet dreams in lovely Waltz!

Allah has vividly mentioned in Al Quran..we differed from animals because we knows how to think was a precious gift from Allah for every human beings..Agar kita tahu untuk membezakan..untuk menilai..dan untuk berfikir dengan sebaiknya..bukan biarkan diri seperti lembu..dicucuk hidung dan ditarik kesana kemari tanpa membantah. Right?

So...educated generation...berpijak dibumi we are muslim, doa is our worthy weapon..hope we will avoided from cruelty...which seems triggered ON PURPOSED!!!

Best regard,

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