Friday, 25 July 2014

A Deteriorated 2014

‘…dan berserta kesusahan itu, ada bersamanya kemudahan…’

Bismillah.. This phrase which always in my mind been extracted from surah Al-Insyiirah. Yes, after kesukaran besertanya kemudahan. As today, in Malaysia will be the last Friday for  Ramadhan, 1435H. I just heard from afar however, too much problematic in my poor country, too much speculation, perception and the untold story itself. However, I just pray the best for you My Malaysia, ‘tanah air tumpah darahku’.

MH17 tragedy was spreading like wildfire and once again, it has become world attention. From my deepest heart, I send my condolence over there and terlalu sukar rasanya untuk ahli keluarga penumpang menerima kenyataan. Namun ianya kenyataan yang harus diterima. Everyday once I click on my facebook icon, there will be unstoppable speculation from too much ‘aviation expert’ which try to speculate about every single thing until the day the black box has been hand over, many people continuing on their speculation regarding theorists conspiration, continue on blaming the pilot, about mysteriously 17 thumbprint on the box or maybe writing facts about people with special interest has conspired to change the black box, because BLACK box supposed to be BLACK… Well, the last phrase is actually been extracted from ‘aviation expert’ darlas, not me.. (funny ;) )

I am not one of them, just stay silent and watch what going to happen next. I just afford to pray them the best especially for air crash tragedy, for Palestinians, and binasa Israelis forever. ~Janji Allah itu pasti~

Salam Aidilfitri and shafakallah from far..
Best regard,

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Pengalaman Interview Program Master Degree


Hai semua. Hari ni tetiba terasa ingin berkongsi pengalaman semasa interview master dulu. Mungkin boleh menjadi panduan kepada yang akan menempuh saat interview nanti. Ok, we start from here, saya dulunya apply master program dengan UiTM. So, interview diadakan dekat kampus induk which is Shah Alam lah. Sebelum interview tu ade la perasaan berdebar sikit kan. Dalam kepala ni terbayang ramai orang menunggu untuk interview tu nanti. So semasa saya dapat sms dari Institute of Postgraduate Study (IPSIS), terus saya buat preparation termasuk booking nearest hotel and servis kereta sebagai persiapan untuk perjalanan jauh. That time I was in Terengganu. So, I was quite not familiar dengan Shah Alam mase tu. Cuma ade la sesekali pergi tapi tak expert sangat la dengan jalan dekat area sana. Semasa dekat sana, I was staying dekat Carlton Holiday Hotel&Suite which took me around 10 minit untuk ke kampus UiTM Shah Alam.

This is the crucial moment which is semasa interview. Saya sampai around pukul 9 pagi since the invitation letter stated that interview will be start at 9. What happen then? saya ingatkan ramai la kan. Rupanya, name list cuma  around 20 orang sahaja. So, tak perlu la tunggu lama-lama kan. Semasa interview session, setiap session masuk sekaligus 4 orang. Ade 2 orang panel sebagai interviewer. So, antara soalan penting yang dia akan tanya :-

  1. Introduce yourself?
  2. Your education background?
  3. Why you want to further master?
  4. Which aspect will you emphasize/focus in your field of study?
  5. What is your preparation to do master?
  6. What is your Independence Study topic?
  7. What is your knowledge in research?
  8. What is your ambition?

Ini antara soalan yang akan ditanya la. Mostly, panel akan tanya benda yang basic sahaja. Unless you seems to have much experience, dia mungkin akan asked you further about your related experience. Tak perlu risau sangat tentang soalan yang dia akan tanya. Yang paling penting, your confidence level tinggi and cuba jawab soalan dengan sebaik mungkin with FLUENT ENGLISH. Please maintain your eye contact and poition duduk. Anyhow, jangan risau. Interview sambung belajar ni takde la mengerikan melainkan you sendiri tiada keyakinan diri. Panel cuma nak tengok credibility you sahaja sama ada you mampu carry for the next level of study or not. So, wish everyone goodluck.

Best regard,